October 8, 2009
For immediate release
WHITEHORSE – The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, federal Minister of Health, along with Yukon’s Health and Social Services Minister the Honourable Glenn Hart, today announced the launch of a toll-free quitline service that will help Yukoners quit smoking.”The Government of Canada is proud to support a territorial Smokers’ Helpline in Yukon,” said Minister Aglukkaq. “Providing help to people trying to kick the tobacco addiction is important for both the federal and territorial governments and quitlines in other regions of Canada have already proven themselves to be very effective tools.”
The Smokers’ Helpline provides free, confidential, telephone-based smoking cessation services to smokers who are interested in quitting. Individuals who call the Smokers’ Helpline receive important information, advice, and motivational counselling from a quit specialist. In addition, specialists will help connect smokers with available local cessation services and provide support materials that will assist them in quitting.
“We are committed to helping Yukoners live smoke-free, and are pleased to be working in partnership with Health Canada and the Canadian Cancer Society,” Minister Hart said. “The Smokers’ Helpline is one more tool to help Yukon smokers quit. I encourage all Yukoners who smoke to call the Helpline. It could be the step that gets you on the path to becoming smoke-free.”
“The Canadian Cancer Society is delighted that this service will be available to Yukoners as research shows that quitlines can dramatically increase a smoker’s chance of quitting smoking,” said Barbara Kaminsky, President of the BC/Yukon Division of the Canadian Cancer Society. “Smoking causes about 30 per cent of all cancer deaths in Canada. The Smokers’ Helpline is a great tool that can help Yukoners kick the habit, lead healthier lives and fight cancer.”
Smoking remains the most preventable cause of disease and premature death in Canada. More than 37,000 people die prematurely each year in Canada due to tobacco use and in 2002 more than 830 non-smokers died in Canada from second-hand smoke. Given these statistics, Health Canada is pleased to contribute $100,000 to help establish the Smokers’ Helpline in the Yukon.
Smokers, or family members who are concerned for the health of their loved ones or themselves, can call toll-free to speak to a smoking cessation counsellor at 1-877-513-5333.
For more information on Health Canada’s tobacco control efforts, please visit www.gosmokefree.gc.ca
For more information on the Smokers’ Helpline, visit Next link will take you to another Web site www.smokershelpline.ca
Media Enquiries:
Health Canada
(613) 957-2983
Josée Bellemare
Office of the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq
Federal Minister of Health
(613) 957-0200
Pat Living
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Social Services
Government of Yukon
(867) 667-3673
Catherine Loiacono
Manager, Media Relations
Canadian Cancer Society BC and Yukon
(604) 675-7340
Public Enquiries:
(613) 957-2991
1-866 225-0709