Press Release
Tuesday February 16, 2021 Ohsweken Public Health (OPH) notified Six Nations Health Services (SNHS) of a third COVID-19 related death in the community.
Elected Council and the Emergency Control Group send heartfelt condolences to those families and friends affected by this recent passing.
The community are reminded of the mental health supports provided for each member, such as Six Nations Mental Health and Addictions at 519-445-2143; Six Nations Mobile Crisis Line 24/7 at 519-445-2204 or 1-866-445-2204; and Six Nations Social Services 519-445-2071.
Despite the province and surrounding communities moving to re-open, community members are reminded that Six Nations will remain in the Black Alert Level of our Pandemic Response Framework, and will be reassessed weekly with further decisions and announcements when the time is appropriate.
Six Nations currently has 44 active cases of COVID-19 in the community.
To book a COVID-19 test visit or call 1-855-977-7737 or 226-446-9909.
Community members are urged to follow public health guidance.
Most importantly staying home as much as possible to reduce community transmission rates.
Media Contact:
Six Nations of the Grand River Communications Officer 1695 Chiefswood Road, P.O. Box 5000, Ohsweken Ontario N0A1M0