March 21, 2024
NIPISSING FIRST NATION—Nbiising Secondary School in Nipissing First Nation was the venue for the annual Minweyaang Round Dance on Saturday, March 2.
Cody McKenzie-Sackaney of Timiskaming First Nation is one committee member of several working to have the Minweyaang Round Dance a success for everyone. McKenzie-Sackaney explains the importance of the round dance.
“The original [intent] for a round dance is more tied towards ceremony. A lot of it has to do with healing, grieving, and a memorial. There is a memorial round dance, that’s where it originates from, how it’s usually supposed to go. Then, there is more of a social round dance. We are not really having a memorial round dance here because it’s done in a different way. But at the same time, there are some similarities there. There are still ceremonial aspects to it like a feast and a Pipe Ceremony.