Significant adverse environmental effects’ on Indigenous peoples: Outlet Channels draft report – CTV News

April 8, 2024

A draft environmental assessment report released by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada says the Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels Project is likely to cause direct and cumulative significant adverse environmental effects on Indigenous people.

Initial study work on the channels project began in December 2012, after a 2011 flood devastated the area and 18 First Nations communities were evacuated. The project would create two 24-kilometer long diversion channels to mitigate flood water. Its price tag is pegged at $540 million.

The federal government’s environmental assessment draft report was released Monday as it looked to get feedback from the public and Indigenous groups on the report.

“The Agency concludes that, taking into account the implementation of key mitigation measures, monitoring, and follow-up programs, the Project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects,” the agency’s draft report says. “The Project may also result in residual environmental effects to species at risk that are of cultural importance to Indigenous groups, including from habitat loss and effects to wildlife health and mortality.”

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