Seneca’s new health centre design puts Indigenous concepts at the forefront – Construction Canada

May 17, 2023

Seneca Polytechnic is embarking on a multi-million-dollar capital project to develop a health and wellness complex that is infused with Indigenous design, sustainability, and inclusion on its Newnham campus in Toronto.

Drawing inspiration from the Indigenous medicine wheel, the Health and Wellness Centre will be a destination for students and employees to support their physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as spiritual wellness.

On the pre-design of the building, Seneca is working with DIALOG and the Indigenous design firm, Two Row Architect, to incorporate Indigenous architectural form.

Seneca’s vision is to transform the decades-old Sport Centre at the east end of the Newnham Campus into a dynamic multi-storey health and wellness complex that includes traditional medicines, counselling, recreation, and varsity sports facilities. The centre will also incorporate a new home for the Seneca Student Federation (SSF).

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