Saskatchewan Cancer Agency bolsters cancer care with 9 new physician recruits – CBC

New specialists to enhance treatment across the province

Dec 02, 2024

Saskatchewan’s cancer care services are expanding with the addition of nine new physicians, offering much-needed support to patients across the province.

The new physicians will enhance services in both Regina and Saskatoon with a range of specialists including gynecologic oncology, hematology, and medical oncology.

Nicki Bayfield-Ash, the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency’s director of medical affairs and physician operations, said recruitment timelines for bringing in new physicians can vary from a few months to over a year depending on the complexity of each case.

“It can take up to a year to get them physically here,” said Bayfield-Ash. “So some of these people that are here now, that process started many, many months ago. It just happens that they’re all arriving in the same three months.”

Bayfield-Ash also emphasized the importance of providing ongoing support to new recruits to ensure they integrate successfully into the agency’s existing health-care teams.

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