Only 54% of Canadians in recent survey say they will get the flu shot this year, target is 80%
Oct 18, 2023
As we head into cold and flu season with COVID-19 still a threat, some health experts in Saskatchewan are concerned about vaccine fatigue.
A recent survey released by the Canadian Pharmacists Association shows 54 per cent of respondents had at least some vaccine fatigue. The survey was done from Aug. 3 to Aug. 7 and had 1,650 respondents.
Only 54 per cent of survey respondents said they will get the flu shot this year — a long way from the national vaccination coverage target of 80 per cent. Belief that the flu shot is unnecessary and vaccine hesitancy were the most common reasons people said they wouldn’t be getting shots.
CBC spoke with people outside Merlis Belsher clinic in Saskatoon Tuesday.