Wendake, QC, Nov. 20, 2012 – Tomorrow, the Chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador (AFNQL), Mr. Ghislain Picard, and the Vice-President of Health for the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission (FNQLHSSC), Mr. David McLaren, will be unveiling the results of the second phase of the First Nations Regional Health Survey (RHS).
In a general fashion, this study identifies the health and social problems that the First Nations are faced with. Even though certain indicators suggest that the situation is improving in some respects, the fact nonetheless remains that the general portrait is a source of concern. The gaps between the First Nations and the general populations of Quebec and Canada remain substantial. It is clear that the governmental investments, which are often lacking, are aggravating the living conditions and for all practical purposes preventing the First Nations from benefitting from living conditions that are worthy of a developed country.
The First Nations Regional Health Survey of Quebec allows for analysing the evolution of the main determinants of health. In this respect, the Survey contributes to supporting the decision-makers and those working in the setting by expanding their knowledge on the socio-sanitary situation of the First Nations. It is particularly reflected by a series of recommendations emanating from the communities as indicated in the “2007-2017 First Nations of Quebec Health and Social Services Blueprint: Closing the Gaps, Accelerating Change” (FNQLHSSC).
The application of these recommendations requires the acceptance of the mutual responsibilities and the development of mechanisms fostering First Nations autonomy. Self-governance constitutes the cornerstone of change for the future generations and requires the collaboration of the First Nations and the governments. The precise and concrete data that is available reveals the difficult living conditions faced by First Nations, and the gap separating them from the remainder of the populations of Quebec and Canada.
The results of the RHS will be revealed on November 21, 2012, at 5:30 pm at the Hotel Delta President Kennedy ofMontreal. The governments must take cognisance of the situation and inevitably review their approach because it is evident that their policies have been unable to improve the fate of the First Nations.
We would like to invite the media to attend this event.
For further information:
Chantal Cleary
Communications Officer
First Nations of Quebec and
Labrador Health and Social
Services Commission
Tel.: 418 842-1540