Residential school survivors, advocates say UN special rapporteur must push for further reparations – CBC

Mar 07, 2023

‘There is a whole gamut of issues that have not been dealt with,’ says survivor Evelyn Korkmaz

As the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples continues his visit across Canada, residential school survivors and advocates hope he puts pressure on Canada to address further reparations for harms suffered.

There is a whole gamut of issues that have not been dealt with,” said Evelyn Korkmaz, a residential school survivor from Fort Albany First Nation on the west coast of James Bay.

José Francisco Calí Tzay, who concludes his visit on Friday, will examine a wide range of issues affecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis, including residential schools and unmarked burials.

Korkmaz didn’t get a chance to meet with Calí Tzay as he marks his first official visit to Canada but said she hopes he helps spread awareness of what some survivors are still dealing with.

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