Quebec public health director says ‘all options are on the table’ in face of 6th wave – CBC

But Health Minister Christian Dubé says there are no plans to add restrictions

Mar 31, 2022

Roughly two weeks before the province is expected to lift nearly all masking requirements, Quebec’s interim public health director says he’s not ruling out maintaining the mandate and even possibly reimposing some health measures in the wake of another surge in COVID-19 cases.

“All options are on the table,” said Dr. Luc Boileau in an interview on Radio-Canada’s Première Heure Thursday morning.

But at a news scrum Thursday, Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé told reporters “there is no reason for the moment [… ] to change the strategy.”

On Wednesday afternoon, the province’s public health institute (INSPQ) officially confirmed that Quebec is in its sixth wave of the pandemic, citing indicators such as the high positivity rate, the number of sick health-care workers and the number of hospitalizations, driven by the highly contagious BA.2 variant.

The key indicators have been on the rise since mid-March, and health officials believe they’ll ramp up in the days and weeks ahead.

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