Lack of independence for new group among numerous concerns raised by current science table
Sep 01, 2022
Ontario’s new science advisory table won’t have final say on what it can investigate, with topics subject to approval from Public Health Ontario.
In terms of reference issued Thursday for the new group — which will replace the current science table that’s provided advice since the pandemic began — Public Health Ontario said a process for topic selection will be developed.
The terms note that Public Health Ontario will have the final sign off on those topics, which may be identified by the province’s top doctor, the government and the group’s members.
“A process for topic selection will be developed to ensure topics deemed important by a majority of members will be addressed, subject to PHO approval based on scope and resources,” the terms of reference said.
The new group will also abide by a memorandum of understanding that says “communication with third parties and the public shall be through the ministry.”
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