For Immediate Release
Iqaluit, Nunavut (June 21, 2012) – Iqaluit Public Health and Family Practice clinics are moving into Qikiqtani General Hospital (new section). Public Health is open until 5 p.m. Friday, June 22, and will reopen in the new location on Tuesday, June 26.
An environmental assessment of Building 155 was conducted in May. A report released June 19 showed evidence of mold and asbestos. The report recommended that remediation of the building be undertaken.
“We made immediate plans to move out of the building,” says Lloyd Searcy, Acting Executive Director of Iqaluit Health Services. “The health and safety of our staff and patients is important.”The only clinic open on Monday, June 25 will be the tuberculosis (TB) clinic at Public Health, Building 155. The Thursday TB clinic will reopen at the new hospital location.
Work at Building 155 is expected to take about four months.
Media Contact:
Ron Wassink
Communications Specialist
Health and Social Services