October 20, 2016
The Provincial Government is clarifying the role of Harvard Professor Dr. Elsie Sunderland in a new methylmercury study announced yesterday as part of a series of enhanced measures regarding Muskrat Falls. The clarification is in response to recent statements from Harvard University officials.
“The Department of Environment and Climate Change has been engaged with the Nunatsiavut Government and Dr. Elsie Sunderland of Harvard over the last two weeks on the development of an enhanced water quality monitoring program regarding methylmercury. This engagement has included direct dialogue between the Nunatsiavut Government officials, Dr. Sunderland, and officials of the Department of Environment and Climate Change. Through that engagement, the department received a proposal from the Nunatsiavut Government on October 11, 2016, outlining the work Dr. Sunderland would like to have carried out. We were also provided with information on the funding needed to do that work at her lab.”
– The Honourable Perry Trimper, Minister of Environment and Climate Change
This proposed study would be in addition to the new water quality monitoring program announced on October 19.
“The Department of Environment and Climate Change is reaching out to Harvard officials to clarify the apparent confusion over Dr. Sunderland’s involvement in recent discussions with our department as well as her past research on methylmercury and its relationship to the Muskrat Falls project.”
– Minister Trimper
On October 19 the Provincial Government also directed Nalcor to clear as much forest cover as possible at the Muskrat Falls reservoir site and agreed to establish an Independent Expert Advisory Committee.
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Media contact:
John Tompkins
Director of Communications
Department of Environment and Climate Change
709-729-2575, 728-7762