Province’s COVID-19 data error leads to apparent jump in Manitoba hospitalization numbers – CBC

Brandon data missing from Tuesday’s update added to Wednesday’s number; province says issue has been fixed

Mar 09, 2022

The province says it has corrected data on Manitoba’s COVID-19 hospitalizations, after Tuesday’s numbers didn’t include patients in Brandon.

The province reported 434 people in hospital with COVID-19 on Monday and 406 on Tuesday.

The reported number jumped to 436 on Wednesday, but officials say that increase was because the Tuesday data didn’t include patients in Manitoba’s second-largest city.

Those numbers were added to Wednesday’s data.

“The issue has been corrected to prevent this occurring in the future,” a provincial spokesperson said in an email on Wednesday evening.

The number of COVID-19 patients receiving intensive care is now 23.

In total, there are 94 patients in Manitoba ICUs, including both COVID and non-COVID patients, up from 90 on Tuesday.

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