Province Provides Funding to Expand Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp for Addictions Treatment

Press Release

May 16, 2024

The Government of Saskatchewan is committed to improving access to addictions treatment services so that more people can overcome addictions and live healthy, safe lives in recovery. Additional funding will expand Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp from 12 temporary spaces to 15 permanent inpatient addiction treatment spaces available through the publicly funded health care system.

The new agreement, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, increases temporary funding from $700,000 to annualized funding of $1.6 million. As a result, the camp which is located near Pinehouse will be able to service 120 patients per year.

“Increasing the number of spaces and providing permanent funding to Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp will provide expert culturally relevant treatment to Saskatchewan residents,” Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health Minister Tim McLeod said. “Your provincial government is committed to adding 500 addictions treatment spaces across the province to double capacity for addictions treatment. Working with Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp brings us further toward this goal, to a total of 213 addictions treatment spaces added so far.”

Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp is operated by Kineepik Métis Local #9 and has been in operation for over 37 years. The camp is a grassroots, community-directed program that provides land-based health intervention. Its healing philosophy includes Western addictions education and traditional Indigenous teachings.

“We are very grateful for the support of the government for the ongoing operation of Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp,”  Kineepik Métis Local #9 Health and Wellness Manager Kimberly Smith said. “We can continue our journey of creating a culturally appropriate response to recovery by offering a unique path of healing as our camp intertwines land-based practices, western programming and uses the wisdom of our people.”

In September 2023, the province provided the camp with $246,000 to build and furnish a fully functional main cabin, with improved spaces for group and individual counselling, as well as industrial kitchen and laundry spaces. Construction of the main cabin is underway.

The main cabin construction follows a December 2021 investment of $337,000 to winterize buildings so Muskwa Lake Wellness Camp could operate year-round.

Under Saskatchewan’s new Action Plan for Mental Health and Addictions, the Government of Saskatchewan has committed to adding 500 addictions treatment spaces to double capacity for addictions treatment through the publicly funded health care system. The 15 spaces at Muskwa Lake bring the total number of spaces announced so far to 213. This includes 15 inpatient treatment spaces at Thorpe Recovery Centre near Lloydminster, 26 post-treatment spaces at St. Joseph’s Addiction Recovery Centre in Estevan, 32 intensive outpatient treatment spaces through Possibilities Recovery Center in Saskatoon, 14 inpatient addictions treatment spaces at the former Drumming Hill Youth Centre facility in North Battleford, 60 inpatient treatment spaces in Lumsden, 15 withdrawal management spaces at Onion Lake and 36 virtual spaces through EHN Canada.

The 2024-25 Provincial Budget invests a record $574 million in mental health and addiction supports and services. This is the largest investment in the province’s history for mental health and addiction supports.


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