Province Invests in Saskatoon Tribal Council’s First Nations Urban Navigator Project

April 24, 2015

The Government of Saskatchewan is pleased to announce a $330,000 investment in the First Nations Urban Navigator Project – Saskatoon Tribal Council’s newest First Nations employment project.

The Urban Navigator Project will support the transition of participants and their families from rural to urban life by helping them secure sustained employment and overcome barriers that they may be facing, from housing to transportation to childcare.

“The First Nations Urban Navigator Project aligns directly with our government’s goal of improving First Nations engagement in the workforce,” Minister responsible for Immigration, Jobs, Skills and Training Jeremy Harrison said.  “By investing in people, our government is ensuring that job-seekers have the skills they need for available jobs to help keep Saskatchewan strong.”

In the 2015-16 Budget, the Ministry of the Economy committed a record $30.8 million for skills training and employment initiatives for First Nations and Métis people.

Urban Navigator staff will work closely with employers and industry to identify employment opportunities for First Nations people, assist employers throughout the hiring process, and develop strategies and best practices with regard to First Nations hiring and retention.

“The Saskatoon Tribal Council’s goal is to improve the quality of life for First Nations people living in Saskatoon,” Saskatoon Tribal Council Chief Felix Thomas said.  “We work hard to create strong partnerships with the city, government and several organizations to ensure we can offer programs and services for people living on and off reserves.  One of our main goals is to collaborate with funders and organizations to help create training and employment opportunities for newcomers to the city to ensure their adjustment is successful.  We are doing this with the Urban Navigator Project as it helps First Nations leaving the reserve and relocating to the City of Saskatoon to build roots and foundations here.  The funding provided by the Government of Saskatchewan for this program is helping achieve these goals.”


For more information, contact:

Deb Young
Phone: 306-787-4765


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