Province funds work to prevent elder abuse – Government of Alberta

Jun 15, 2017

Thirty-one community organizations and municipalities will receive a total of $1.5 million to help prevent and end elder abuse.

The funding is from the government’s Taking Action Against Elder Abuse Co-ordinated Community Response Grant program. The program helps organizations work together to address elder abuse through prevention strategies and increased safety measures.

Elder abuse can take several forms, including financial, emotional, physical and sexual mistreatment, and neglect. The two most commonly identified and reported types of elder abuse in Canada are financial and emotional.

One of the grant recipients is the Seniors Protection Partnership (SPP) in Edmonton. With the funding, SPP will be able to coordinate with community groups such as ASSIST Community Services Centre to reach isolated seniors from multicultural communities.

Seniors from multicultural communities often face additional barriers, like language and cultural differences, when using services. Through the collaboration of SPP and ASSIST Community Services Centre, programming to prevent elder abuse in Edmonton can be tailored specifically to the Chinese community.

“Seniors built this province and they deserve to retire in dignity. To mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, our government is funding $1.5 million to community organizations to develop response models to address elder abuse. This will make life better for vulnerable seniors.”

Lori Sigurdson, Minister of Seniors and Housing

“The project is about making community connections and building relationships. This means seniors, regardless of ethnicity, income level or gender, are getting the help they need.”

Pat Power, Senior Protection Partnership, City of Edmonton

“Seniors’ services shouldn’t be ‘one size fits all.’ I am thrilled to learn there are more resources that are tailored to the Chinese community for seniors affected by abuse. I can’t wait to share this with my friends.”

Aaron Chiu, Community Member Volunteer, ASSIST Community Services Centre

Related information

Media inquiries
Tim Chu
Press Secretary, Seniors and Housing


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