Jun 05, 2023
A message from Dr. Kamran Golmohammadi, Senior Medical Officer, Office of the Chief Medical Officer; and Jodie Millward, Director, Health Emergency Management, Public Health Response Team
Finding solutions to plastic pollution is the theme of this year’s World Environment Day, a public health event held on June 5 and led by the United Nations Environment Programme. Plastic pollution is a major concern because it harms our waters, lands, and air, impacting our health and the health of everything around us.
First Nations people have a long history of stewarding, nurturing, and maintaining relationships with their waters, lands, and territories, and are well aware of the dangers of pollution and overexploitation. Elders and Knowledge Keepers teach that it is essential to be good stewards of the life-giving resources of the lands and waters, and to take only what is needed. Unfortunately, because of changes brought upon by settler-colonialism, we live in a world where overexploitation is rife, and pollution including plastics is becoming part of our marine ecosystems.
Read More: https://www.fnha.ca/about/news-and-events/news/protecting-our-planet-against-plastic-pollution