Private companies could help add to plasma supply, says Canadian Blood Services – CBC

Campaigners worry about privatization of the blood supply in the quest to meet plasma demand

Aug 11, 2022

Canadian Blood Services (CBS) says commercial plasma collectors may have a role in adding to the national plasma supply, while some donors and advocates say that plan should be more transparent.

CBS said in a statement, which was first reported by the Globe and Mail, it was tasked with looking at ways to meet the demand for immunoglobulins in Canada and that “dialogue with commercial vendors is necessarily part of this.”

The statement from CBS comes amid ongoing shortfalls in plasma collection in Canada. “We have tried for a very long time to get more and more plasma, to collect more plasma. But like every other country in the world that doesn’t compensate donors, we find that we continually fall short of collections,” said Peter Jaworski, a business ethics professor at Georgetown University, who grew up in Canada.

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