Potential organ donors opting out of programs after reports of man mistakenly declared dead – CTV

Oct. 28, 2024

Washington, DC – Transplant experts are seeing a spike in people revoking organ donor registrations, their confidence shaken by reports that organs were nearly retrieved from a Kentucky man mistakenly declared dead.
It happened in 2021 and while details are murky surgery was avoided and the man is still alive. But donor registries in the U.S. and even across the Atlantic are being impacted after the case was publicized recently. A drop in donations could cost the lives of people awaiting a transplant.

“Organ donation is based on public trust,” said Dorrie Dils, president of the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations, or OPOs. When eroded, “it takes years to regain.”

Only doctors caring for patients can determine if they’re dead — the law blocks anyone involved with organ donation or transplant. The allegations raise questions about how doctors make that determination and what’s supposed to happen if anyone sees a reason for doubt.

Read more: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/potential-organ-donors-opting-out-of-programs-after-reports-of-man-mistakenly-declared-dead-1.7089502

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