Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada – Request for Proposals: Talking with Inuit Youth About STBBIs Using Social Media – PHASE II

Issuing Office:

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
510 – 1 Nicholas St.
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7

T: 613-238-3977
F: 613-238-1787 

Deadline for submissions: December 18, 2017

RFP Resource Development (PDF 492kb)

Statement of Work


Talking with Inuit Youth About STBBIs Using Social Media


Pauktuutit fosters greater awareness of the needs of Inuit women, advocates for equality and social improvements, and encourages their participation in the community, regional and national life of Canada. Pauktuutit leads and supports Inuit women in Canada in policy development and community projects in all areas of interest to them for the social, cultural, political and economic betterment of the women, their families and communities.

Pauktuutit first passed a resolution during its 1984 Annual General Meetings (AGM) calling attention to Inuit sexual health issues and to the need for information and educational materials on sexual health that met the needs of Inuit communities. Later, in 1990, an AGM resolution called for an AIDS workshop in the North. In May 1995, Pauktuutit conducted the first National Inuit HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Workshop, which served to raise awareness among Community Health Representatives (CHRs) about the issues and risk behaviours associated with HIV/AIDS and STIs. In 1998, with financial support from Health Canada, Pauktuutit began a pan-Arctic HIV/AIDS health prevention and promotion program that produced and distributed HIV/AIDS-related materials in English and Inuktitut. Pauktuutit remains the only national organization focusing on specific Inuit HIV/AIDS issues and initiatives, and has gained national and international recognition and acclaim for its innovative and unique work.

Pauktuutit’s sexual health program has grown to become a respected and leading edge partner and works with communities to provide community mobilization workshops, conferences, skill building workshops and other events. Pauktuutit’s work has expanded beyond HIV/AIDS to include other sexual health matters and hepatitis C. As with other facets of Inuit health, sexual health must be approached holistically. Social determinants of health such as limited access to health services, inadequate housing, improper nutrition, limited economic opportunities, and various forms of violence and abuse are also factors that influence the sexual health of individuals and communities.

With the guidance and support of Pauktuutit’s Board of Directors and membership, the organization takes on various projects on an annual basis to address sexual health. Previous projects have included developing bilingual plain language resources and supporting community efforts. For example, Pauktuutit addressed the lack of information available to Inuit on HIV/AIDS by conducting the Lifesaver awareness campaign which included Inuk to Inuk knowledge transference, health fairs, a series of eight booklets on HIV, fact sheets, needs assessments of urban Inuit, symposiums, condom covers, a DVD, PSAs, puzzles, posters and various other public education tools. More recent activities have included developing fact sheets for southern medical professionals who may have Inuit patients who are HIV-positive, resource materials for urban service providers with Inuit clients, and in 2011/12 Pauktuutit conducted a workshop to develop Inuktitut terminology to help Inuit better understand their HIV health status and treatment options. This terminology is anticipated to be useful in relation to a number of medical and health issues. Pauktuutit has also engaged in hepatitis C projects to address issues of health disparities, cultural relevancy, health knowledge and resources. Current programming builds on the successful outcomes of the 2009/10 National Inuit Sexual Health Policy Forum and a series of focus groups carried out in 2009, 2011 and 2015 to capture Inuit knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards sexual health and hepatitis C.

Pauktuutit updated its national strategic plan for sexual health in 2016/17. A key priority for future work is encouraging a dialogue with Inuit youth about their sexual health. Pauktuutit has now been funded for a project in 2017/18 to develop new health promotion and prevention messages aimed at youth.


This project is intended to increase the capacity and ability of parents, caregivers, frontline workers and others to communicate with Inuit youth about healthy sexual behavior with a view to significantly reducing prevalence of high-risk behaviours related to the spread of STBBIs in the Inuit communities. This project is also intended to build evidence about the effectiveness of social media campaigns across Inuit Nunangat.

A pre-campaign survey of the target audiences to gather preliminary data about STBBI testing rates and community-level awareness of how and where to be tested has already been completed as part of Phase I. This data will help inform the development of the toolkit and strategy, highlighting gaps in knowledge, misperceptions and barriers to talking to youth about sexuality. It also will provide information to identify communities where pilot testing of the toolkit and campaign might have the most impact. The findings from surveys including recommended metrics, analyzed results and a preliminary resource strategy were developed into a Report.


This is an open call to individuals, firms, or organizations to provide a comprehensive proposal for the branding and product related to this project.

It is important for applicants to demonstrate an understanding of the Inuit culture, sexual health and communication means and methods, and the ability to produce culturally-appropriate work.


  • development and production of new resources and key messages for delivery through mixed media and social media strategies;
  • working with Pauktuutit and the eight communities across Inuit Nunangat in pilot testing and implementation of new resources;
  • develop and deliver a post-testing survey including tracking the engagement of new audiences, media engagement and other findings;
  • prepare an analysis report including research conclusions and an assessment of community-level impact of new resources; and
  • develop a process for knowledge transfer.

In addition, the successful applicants will be required to:

  • participate in project meetings and teleconferences as appropriate;
  • provide progress updates as required; and,
  • submit all final project documents upon completion.


The duration of the contract will be from January 2, 2018 – March 31, 2018.

bids accepted until December 18, 2017;

contract begins January 2, 2017;

delivery of final products by March 15, 2018; and

contract ends March 31, 2018.

Pauktuutit’s Roles and Responsibilities

The primary contact at Pauktuutit for this project is Savanah Ashton, Manager of Health (

Pauktuutit commits to provide the information and materials necessary to complete the work, and will respond to requests for information in a timely fashion.

Pauktuutit will provide a decision within three business days.

Confidentiality, Privacy and Copyright

The successful applicant shall not disclose to any party any confidential information gained or resulting from activities undertaken under this project, nor shall the applicant disclose any information concerning Pauktuutit or their affairs where such information is obtained through this Project.

Pauktuutit and the successful applicant will agree to publicly and mutually acknowledge and accord appropriate credit for each other’s contribution in this project, including any products developed and disseminated as a result. Both parties will come to an agreement on how credit is attributed, depending on the nature and degree of each organization’s contribution.

It is understood that Pauktuutit retains ownership of any and all materials and intellectual property created, designed, or produced as a result of activities undertaken by the successful applicant when awarded this project.

It is understood that the successful applicant will generate original work for this project.

Proposal Instructions

Applicants must submit their company name, and confirm their incorporation, references, and/or portfolio;

Submit by email to;

Word format or PDF;

Estimates/budgets must remain firm until March 31, 2018;

No payment will be made for costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal in response to this RFP;

No costs incurred before receipt of a signed contract can be charged to the proposed contract;

Travel that may be required will be separate from this scope of work budget and will be paid for by Pauktuutit; and,

Pauktuutit reserves the right not to award a contract as a result of this RFP.


The proposal must:

Include a detailed budget not to exceed $32,000.00 and that demonstrates that the objectives and deliverables for the project can be met;

Indicate the billing rate;

List any other expenses that might be applicable; and

Total bid MUST include 13% HST tax.

Rights of the Organization

Pauktuutit reserves the right to:

Enter into negotiations with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of this proposal.

Accept any proposal in whole or in part.

Cancel and/or re-issue this requirement at any time.

Award one or more contracts.

Verify any or all information provided by the bidder with respect to this requirement.

Contact Information

Please direct the application to:

Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
520 – 1 Nicholas St. Ottawa, ON K1N 7B7


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