Out of options: Minto mom quits job to drive son to autism program – EloraFergusToday

March 27, 2024

MINTO – Sam Greer feels her family has been put into an unfair position of having to choose between a program critical to her son’s development or her income.

Greer is a mother of three in Harriston, including three-year-old Maverick who is autistic and non-verbal.

Maverick was recently accepted into the provincially funded Entry to School for Autism Program, a six month program aimed to ease the transition for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who are entering Junior Kindergarten.

The problem is this program is only offered locally in larger cities, in this case at KidsAbility in Guelph. This would require more than an hour drive each way for Greer and runs 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. during her workday.

Read More: https://www.elorafergustoday.com/local-news/out-of-options-minto-mom-quits-job-to-drive-son-to-autism-program-8513174

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