Our communities are in grief’: Sask. First Nations battle ongoing opioid crisis – CBC

May 29, 2024

Reserves in Touchwood Hills area look for solutions in ongoing opioid crisis

Jeromy Desjarlais’s home on the Muskowekwan First Nation has become the spot people in the community go when they need a naloxone kit.

The kits, which contain two doses of naloxone, two nasal misters and directions on appropriate use, are used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.

Desjarlais said the health centre in his community, about 145 kilometres north of Regina, has the kits at its public building, but the hours it is open are limited.

“Anybody should be able to just go there, take it and then have it,” he said.

So Desjarlais opened a small store, in his home, with snacks for sale and free kits with the life-saving drug. He said he’s already had people coming into his store asking for the kits.

Read More: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/our-communities-are-in-grief-sask-first-nations-battle-ongoing-opioid-crisis-1.7217426

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