Opioid Crisis – CP

Source: The Canadian Press – Broadcast wire
Jun 30, 2017

VANCOUVER – More than four people a day on average died in British Columbia in May from illicit drugs, a death toll the coroner’s service says should serve as a warning to people who are not drug-dependent to avoid experimentation.

The service says provisional data show 129 persons died in May, down slightly from 136 who died in April.

It says until November 2016, there had never been as many as 100 drug deaths in the province for a single month, but in every month since then the number of deaths has exceeded 110.

The highest number of deaths came in December, when 159 died.

The service says the powerful painkiller fentanyl was detected in 72 per cent of people who died in the first four months of this year, up from 60 per cent last year.

Chief coroner Lisa Lapointe said people should not casually use illicit drugs because of the risk.

(The Canadian Press)


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