Opinion: Caitlin Tolley advocates for First Nations through law – The Globe and Mail

Caitlin Tolley is legal counsel at the Indigenous Justice Division of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney-General. She is Algonquin from Kitigan Zibi, where she was previously elected to chief and council, and has worked in the office of Murray Sinclair while he served in the Senate.

How has your upbringing and identity influenced your perspective as a lawyer and leader?

I was born and raised in Kitigan Zibi, which is an Algonquin First Nation reserve located in the southwest region of Quebec. I grew up and attended school on-reserve until I moved away from my community to pursue my postsecondary education.

Growing up and living on-reserve provided me with the opportunity to learn my culture, history and Anishinaabemowin (which is the Anishinaabe Algonquin language). I attended the Algonquin Immersion Program while I was attending school on-reserve.

Read More: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-caitlin-tolley-advocates-for-first-nations-through-law/

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