ONWA’s Mindimooyenh Health Clinic Recognizes the Importance of Diabetes Awareness and Prevention

Press Release

ONWA’s Mindimooyenh Health Clinic Recognizes the Importance of Diabetes Awareness and Prevention

Thunder Bay, ON – November is Diabetes Awareness Month. This year, the Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)’s Mindimooyenh Health Clinic is proud to offer health programming addressing diabetes prevention. In alignment with the World Health Organization’s “Diabetes and Well-being” theme, ONWA’s programming will offer an Indigenous perspective on living well with diabetes.

Diabetes impacts many Indigenous communities across Canada: 17.2% among First Nations individuals living on-reserve, 12.7% among First Nations individuals living off-reserve, 4.7% among Inuit people, and 9.9% among Métis people, compared to 5.0% in the general population (Diabetes.ca Canada).

ONWA is raising awareness about diabetes, promoting overall well-being, and empowering Indigenous women to take control of their health. Throughout November, ONWA invites Ontario residents to join us in a series of virtual, family-friendly events designed to foster wellness:

  • Move Your Water Thursdays (Fitness Classes): Accessible and fun for all ages.

  • Mindful Medicine – Gifts from the Hooved Ones Beading Activity: Fostering mindfulness and community engagement.

  • Indigenous Women’s Health Talk with Dr. Alexa Lesperance, an Indigenous family physician, addressing diabetes and Indigenous women’s health.

  • World Diabetes Day Journal Entry Contest: Promotion inviting Indigenous women and their families to share their stories on how they are living well with diabetes or working to reduce their risk of diabetes. Submissions of journal entries will be accepted starting November 14, 2024, until midnight on November 21, 2024. Participants will be entered to win exciting prizes!

For more details, to register, or to submit, please visit: https://www.onwa.ca/news-and-events

To learn more about diabetes prevention and healthy living visit:

For more information and media inquiries, contact:

Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager

Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)

Email: amorriseau@onwa.ca



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