Ontario to drop most mask mandates on March 21, sources say – CBC

Masking won’t be required in schools, stores and restaurants

Mar 08, 2022

Ontario will drop most COVID-19 mask mandates — including in schools, restaurants and stores — across the province on March 21, CBC News has learned.

Two sources with Premier Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative government confirmed the information, first reported by the Toronto Star, Tuesday night.

The Ford government lifted all COVID-19 capacity limits in indoor settings and scrapped its vaccine certificate system on March 1. Proof of vaccination was no longer required at most restaurants, gyms and movie theatres. Nightclubs, sporting and concert venues were allowed to get rid of capacity limits and restrictions were also lifted on social gathering sizes.

At the time, Ford was somewhat vague when commenting on when mask mandates might be lifted, saying they would stay in place for a few more weeks. In a news conference last Thursday, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore told reporters the province could lift its mask mandate by the end of March if key pandemic indicators continue to improve.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-to-drop-most-mask-mandates-on-march-21-sources-say-1.6378045

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