Ontario sees 4,401 new COVID-19 cases with near record-high positive tests – CBC

Public health units reported provincewide test positivity rate of 9.5%

Apr 12, 2021

Ontario reported another 4,401 cases of COVID-19 on Monday, the second-most ever on a single day in the province, while public health units logged one of the highest test positivity rates of the pandemic.

Labs completed 47,929 tests for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and collectively reported a 9.5 per cent positivity rate, according to the Ministry of Health. The last time that figure climbed above 9 per cent was in early January, at the height of the second wave in Ontario.

The number of vaccine doses administered stumbled on Sunday, with just 74,722 shots given out. More than 100,000 doses were administered on four days last week, and health officials have repeatedly said there is capacity for up to 150,000 per day in the province.

Ontario has now used about 80 per cent of the 4,031,325 doses it has received from the federal government to date.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/covid-19-ontario-april-12-2021-update-1.5983807

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