Ontario Helping Protect People with Developmental Disabilities

Province Launches Service for Reporting Abuse and Neglect

November 16, 2016 9:00 A.M.

Ministry of Community and Social Services

The Government of Ontario is expanding ReportON, a new service for reporting suspected or witnessed abuse of adults with developmental disabilities.

The 24/7phone line and email service is the latest step taken by the Ministry of Community and Social Services to further improve the safety of adults with developmental disabilities.

Abuse is often hard to identify. Examples can include being denied basic necessities like food, shelter, clothing or medicine.  Even if you are unsure, but suspect abuse or neglect of an adult with a developmental disability, you should contact ReportON. Each call will be investigated and the appropriate action will be taken. People can access ReportON by calling 1-800-575-2222 or emailing reportONdisability@ontario.ca. For text telephone (TTY): 416-916-0549 or Toll Free 1-844-309-1025.

Investing in more services for individuals with developmental disabilities is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

Quick Facts

  • About 70,000 adults have developmental disabilities in Ontario. About 18,000 adults receive residential supports funded by Ontario.
  • Agencies providing provincially funded developmental services must comply with 351 quality assurance measures in provincial regulations and policy directives including health and safety and abuse prevention and reporting.
  • ReportON is not an emergency crisis service. If you suspect an adult with a developmental disability is being physically or sexually abused, call 9-1-1 for emergency services.

Additional Resources


“We are constantly working, and will continue to work, at improving the safety and security of individuals with developmental disabilities in Ontario. Abuse and neglect can take many forms and it’s up to all of us to stop it from occurring. ReportON is an important new measure to further improve the safety of adults with developmental disabilities.”

Dr. Helena Jaczek
Minister of Community and Social Services

Media Contacts

Lyndsay Miller
Minister’s Office

Kristen Tedesco


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