Ontario expanding the role of nurse practitioners and registered nurses – Sydenham Current

December 2, 2024

The Ontario government is making it easier and more convenient for people to connect to the care they need.

Upcoming regulation changes will expand the scope of practice for nurse practitioners and registered nurses to order more tests and provide additional services in a variety of settings including hospitals, interprofessional primary care teams and long-term care homes.

“Ontario is proud to be home to world-class health care professionals and our government continues to make innovative changes to allow them to work to the full extent of their expertise and training,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, in a media release.

“Expanding the roles of highly skilled nurse practitioners and registered nurses is another step our government is taking to provide more people with the right care, in the right place.”

Read More: https://sydenhamcurrent.ca/2024/12/02/ontario-expanding-the-role-of-nurse-practitioners-and-registered-nurses/

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