Press Release
IQALUIT, Nunavut (January 7, 2020) – Nunavut’s new Public Health Act came into force January 1, replacing the version carried over from the Northwest Territories. This new and improved legislation works to modernize the territory’s health system and recognizes the unique needs of Nunavummiut.
“Having a made-in-Nunavut Public Health Act will improve our government’s ability to protect Nunavummiut from disease and other health hazards,” said Minister of Health George Hickes. “The new Act modernizes our public health legislation to ensure processes in place to keep Nunavummiut safe and healthy, ensuring Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit are the legislation’s guiding principles.”
Nunavut’s Public Health Act establishes measures relating to health protection and promotion, population health assessment, public health surveillance, disease and injury prevention, and public health emergency preparedness and response. It also outlines requirements in food and water safety, sanitation, and reporting and responding to communicable diseases to strengthen health protection.
The Act establishes the requirements, duties, and powers of the Minister, the Chief Public Health Officer (formerly the Chief Medical Officer of Health) and other officers tasked with protecting the health of Nunavummiut.
Media Contact:
Alison Griffin
Manager of Communications
Department of Health