“It is essential that we provide sufficient support”
The Government of Nunavut has expanded its medical travel benefits to offer better support to parents and pregnant mothers travelling out of their community for care.
Nunavut Health Minister George Hickes told the legislature on Friday, Feb. 22, that parents who are escorting their child on medical travel may now bring their infants with them.
For years, Nunavummiut parents who have to escort a child out of their community for medical care have been forced to leave other infants at home—even though babies don’t require a separate airfare—or pay their own way.
Parents have complained about the policy, saying it separates babies from their primary caregiver and can discriminate against breastfeeding mothers.
Read More: https://nunatsiaq.com/stories/article/nunavut-expands-its-medical-travel-benefits-for-parents/