Nunavik boosts its cost-of-living subsidies – Nunatsiaq News

10 June, 2019

“We are trying to narrow the gap between the North and the South”

The Kativik Regional Government and Makivik Corp. have tweaked Nunavik’s subsidy program in an effort to further reduce everyday costs for residents of the region.

In its latest budget, the Quebec government pledged $115.8 million in cost-of-living funding to the region over a six-year period, between 2019 and 2026.

The new funding offers an annual $8-million boost to the cost-of-living subsidy the region had been receiving in recent years, bumping it from roughly $11 million a year to $19 million.

Makivik and the KRG have decided to keep in place seven existing subsidy programs offered to the region, but to use the increased funding to boost those programs, with subsidized airfares, country food, appliances, harvesting equipment, gasoline, food and elders’ support.

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