NU Government: January is Tobacco Reduction Month

Press Release

13 January 2020

In January, join the Department of Health and support Tobacco Reduction Month! A large component of reducing the harm caused by tobacco is by minimizing the impact of second-hand smoke.

Second-hand smoke is exhaled by the tobacco user and comes from the burning end of a cigarette. Poisons from tobacco stick to walls, furniture, carpets and clothing for long periods of time. Smoke and chemical residue are particularly harmful for children, pregnant women, Elders and those with chronic heart and lung conditions.

Protect your children and other community members by making homes, vehicles and amautiit smoke free. Make sure you are nine metres from the entrance to any public building or workplace before lighting up. The grounds of hospitals, health centres, day cares, schools and sporting venues are now smoke free. It’s not just the right thing to do. It’s the law.

As part of Tobacco Reduction Month, National Non-Smoking Week (NNSW) takes place from January 19 to 25, 2020. NNSW has been celebrated annually in Canada since 1977 to encourage quitting tobacco use.

Quitting smoking is the best thing that you can do to improve your health. Counselling support and quit medications double the chances of successfully quitting tobacco. Speak with a local health care provider or call the Nunavut QuitLine anytime at 1-866-368-7848. Medications that help with cravings and withdrawal, like the nicotine patch, gum and inhaler, are available at no cost at your local health centre or pharmacy.

Check out the Tobacco Has No Place Here Facebook page this month for Tobacco Reduction events and activities led by your local Community Health Representatives. To learn more about reducing or quitting tobacco, please visit


Media Contact:

Chris Puglia
Communications Specialist
Department of Health


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