NU Government: Hepatitis A outbreak – Update and Public Vaccine Clinic

March 19, 2019

Hepatitis A continues to circulate in Chesterfield Inlet. Chesterfield Inlet Health Centre will be offering the Hepatitis A vaccine free of charge to all community members wishing to receive it. The public vaccine clinic started this week and will run from 1-5 p.m., Monday to Friday, until further notice.

Individuals six months of age and older living in Chesterfield Inlet who have not yet been immunized or have not had the Hepatitis A infection should consider receiving the vaccine.

The following individuals who have not been immunized should receive the vaccine as soon as possible:

  • household and close contacts of cases (including babysitters and caregivers);
  • children or students and staff at the school and daycare;
  • children six months to 18 years of age;
  • individuals over 60 years of age; and
  • those traveling in and out of Chesterfield Inlet (sport events, leisure, medical travel).

The Department of Health continues to take steps to prevent further transmission and to end the outbreak. These steps include identifying individuals at high risk, providing vaccine to those exposed and the Department of Health Environmental Health Officer performed an on-site visit to investigate the source of infection.

Please take the following steps to help prevent the spread of Hepatitis A:

  • Speak to your Health Centre about obtaining the Hepatitis A vaccine.
  • Wash your hands after using the washroom and changing diapers, and before preparing or eating food.
  • If you think that you have been exposed to the Hepatitis A virus or any other gastrointestinal illness, do not prepare food or pour water for other people.

If you or someone in your household is showing symptoms of Hepatitis A, go to your health centre immediately. This can help those who may have been exposed get the vaccine as soon as possible and prevent further spread of Hepatitis A.

For more information on Hepatitis A, go to:


Media Contact:

Sara Arsenault
Communications Specialist
Department of Health


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