Department of Family Services Update – March 30, 2020
Out-of-territory students wishing to return to their home communities in Nunavut have started their 14-day isolation period in Ottawa (31 students) and Winnipeg (15 students).
Ongoing services:
Adjusted services:
Department of Family Services Update – March 24, 2020
Department of Family Services Update – March 23, 2020
Deputy Minister of Family Services update regarding student travel back to Nunavut, March 23, 2020
Family Services, Health, Education, and Community & Government Services have been working together to ensure the safe return of students from southern-based educational institutions to their home communities across Nunavut.
Those students who wish to return home now, will require immediate isolation in central points for a 14-day period prior to an arranged charter plane to return to Nunavut. The two host facilities for students will be located in Ottawa and Winnipeg. Kivalliq and Kitikmeot Region students will muster in Winnipeg to commence a 14-day period once the last student arrives in to the facility. Baffin/Qikiqtani Region students will muster in an Ottawa facility, and likewise – once the last student arrives into the facility a 14-day period will commence. A charter from each of those cities will then return the students to Nunavut.
During the period of quarantine in Ottawa and Winnipeg, the students will have access to tools to complete their studies, will have access to health professionals who will check in to ensure their health needs are met. (There will also be an oversight group tasked with monitoring and addressing issues coming out of this operation)
Message to Students: If you wish to get home as soon as possible, please be packed and ready to get to one of the two mustering points. There will be maximum baggage amounts for both the commercial airlines and for the final chartered flight.
For those with special needs or requirements, they should be identified with the travel team member that contacts you.
And for those that are remaining to complete their terms in place, but wish to return home afterward, FANS will cover until the first available arrangements can be made home.
It is my understanding that for the other populations returning to Nunavut, there are avenues to take. For the travel coverage, usual FANS process would continue.
Emails will be sent out to students today asking them to provide FANS the necessary level of details and giving them the information, they need.
Department of Family Services Update – March 20, 2020
Adjusted services:
Department of Family Services update, March 19, 2020
The GN is working with shelter societies to enable extended hours as well as utilize potential additional spaces to enable more social distancing. There are only three shelters in Nunavut that currently closed during the day.
Unless otherwise stated, remaining departmental services are expected to operate as usual. Updates are provided daily.
Adjusted services: