NOSM Holds Board Retreat in Parry Sound

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) held its annual Board of Directors retreat in Parry Sound, Ontario on May 10 – 11, 2018.

During the two-day meeting, Board members participated in several presentations and interactive sessions which included topics relating to the School’s mission of educating high quality physicians and health professionals, and achieving international recognition as a leader in distributed, learning-centred, community-engaged education and research.

Day one included updates on the School’s MD program, the Academic Health Sciences Network, Research and the compendium of research activity in Northern Ontario, and highlights from the Indigenous Affairs and Francophone Affairs Units.

Dr. Sarah Newbery, rural physician, NOSM Associate Professor, and VP Clinical, North West Local Health Integration Network and Mr. Jim Whaley, provided an overview of work being done as a result of Summit North: Building a Flourishing Physician Workforce held in Thunder Bay on January 24, 2018.

In the evening, NOSM Board members enjoyed a Traditional Muskoka Dinner at the Rocky Crest Resort with local community members. Following dinner, Dr. Tim Redmond, Assistant Professor with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and President of the Physician Clinical Teachers’ Association (PCTA) spoke about the town of Parry Sound, and the importance of NOSM as a unifying agent for health care quality, accessibility and innovation in the North.

At the formal Board meeting on the second day, Directors received a Financial Report for the 11-month period ending March 31, 2018. In addition, the Board approved the proposed balanced budget of $46.22 million for the fiscal year May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019.

Dr. Pierre Zundel, Chair of the Board of Directors, acknowledged the School’s progress across Northern Ontario and said, “On behalf of the Board, we are grateful for the network of people, partnerships, communities and volunteers who have contributed to NOSM’s achievement in providing access to health care.”

NOSM Board members later joined members of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) in a plenary session titled “2020 Vision, Reaching Beyond Extraordinary Together.” Speakers included Dr. Catherine Cervin, NOSM Vice Dean, Academic; Dr. Penny Moody-Corbett, NOSM Senior Associate Dean, Associate Dean, Research and Interim Associate Dean, Community Engagement; and, Dr. Alex Anawati, Charter Class alumnus, ER Physician, faculty member, and NOSM Board member. The plenary was moderated by Dr. Roger Strasser, NOSM Dean and CEO.

The Board retreat ended with a tour of the of the West Parry Sound Health Centre (WPSHC) where Jim Hanna, Public Relations and Communications Director, explained why the community shares in the excitement of NOSM’s academic success.

“Our community is fully engaged with NOSM and its learners because we will not be passive recipients of the School’s many benefits,” said Mr. Hanna. “We believe that social accountability is a shared responsibility, and this approach has inspired the culture of learning within our community as we actively participate in the future of health care for our people.”

The next meeting of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting of Members is scheduled to occur on September 19, 2018.

For a complete list of Board members, please visit our website at

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The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is committed to the education of high quality physicians and health professionals, and to international recognition as a leader in distributed, learning-centered, community-engaged education and research.

Kimberley Larkin
Communications Officer
Phone: 705-662-7243


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