NorthMart Iqaluit Pharmacy prescription services update

Winnipeg, MB, November 9, 2018 – The NorthMart Pharmacy in Iqaluit, NU will remain closed until further notice as a result of the fire which damaged the NorthMart store on November 8th. NorthMart is working closely with other healthcare providers, such as ValuPharm Drugs, the QGH hospital pharmacy, and up-island health centres to ensure patient care is maintained.

Iqaluit residents requiring prescription services should contact the Rapid Access Clinic at the Qikiqtani General Hospital to obtain new prescriptions (867-975-8600 ext. 5425) or ValuPharm Drugs (867-979-0655). Up-island residents can contact their local health centres.

NorthMart Pharmacy is supporting other providers in obtaining new prescriptions for residents. As new information and services become available, NorthMart will be communicating to other providers and affected stakeholders and will update the public via the media and on Facebook and Twitter.

“NorthMart Pharmacy appreciates your patience and understanding as we work to restore service,” said Tim Smith, Director, Pharmacy Operations, The North West Company.

About The North West Company

North West is a retailer serving rural communities and urban neighbourhoods in Canada, Alaska, the South Pacific and Caribbean. We are committed to helping our customers live better by bringing them the best products and services together with a tradition of community support. North West’s Northern and NorthMart stores are the largest local private employer of indigenous people in Canada, with over 3,000 employees and an annual payroll exceeding $65 million.

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For more information contact:

Tim Smith
Director, Pharmacy Operations
P: 204.934.1333


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