No excuses for boil water orders on First Nations reserves – Michael’s essay – CBC

March 05, 2017

In May of 2000, during a random test of the water supply in the farming town of Walkerton, Ontario, traces of e-coli were found in a shallow water supply well.

This was the result of cattle manure washing into the well.

People in the town started to get sick — with, ultimately, 3,500 residents falling ill. Seven people died.

The Ontario government immediately swung into action. By 2001, millions had been spent to improve the town’s water supply system. A formal judicial inquiry was held to determine what had gone wrong with the system.

While national media carried the Walkerton story in meticulous detail, politicians of every party wrung their hands and cried to the heavens for answers, all the while promising that this should never happen again. Ever.

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