NL Government: Provincial Government Recognizes Violence Prevention Month

Press Release

February 16, 2022

Today, the Honourable Pam Parsons, Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality, was joined by representatives of violence prevention organizations for the signing of a proclamation acknowledging February as Violence Prevention Month in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Provincial Government continues to work closely with community partners and violence prevention advocates to reduce all forms of violence, abuse and neglect in Newfoundland and Labrador. In Budget 2021, the Provincial Government provided $3.2 million in operational funding for violence prevention and women serving organizations, and distributed $241,500 for Indigenous Violence Prevention Grants.

Additional violence prevention initiatives in Budget 2021 included $508,000 for electronic monitoring which enhances the supervision of offenders; more than $350,000 to explore opportunities to expand the Family Violence Intervention Court; and, more than $200,000 for Drug Treatment Court, which helps people with serious drug addictions break the cycle of crime.

Violence is a systemic problem that is rooted in inequality. Continued collaboration is necessary as we seek innovative and systemic solutions to counteract discrimination, promote equality, and prevent violence and abuse.

The Provincial Government will continue to work closely with violence prevention organizations and advocates in our collective efforts to prevent and end violence in Newfoundland and Labrador.


“Violence prevention is everyone’s responsibility. The Provincial Government recognizes the importance of initiating and supporting violence prevention efforts throughout the province to reduce violence in our communities. We will continue to work closely with community stakeholders to get to the root causes of violence and create lasting positive change.”

Honourable Pam Parsons
Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality

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Office of Women and Gender Equality

Media contact
Lynn Robinson
Municipal and Provincial Affairs
709-729-5449, 691-9446


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