At an event today in Grand-Falls Windsor, the Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation, announced nearly $1.8 million has been invested to support the 2020-21 Community Healthy Living Fund. Minister Davis was joined by the Honourable Derek Bennett, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Municipalities and Dave Stoodley, membership director for Exploits Nordic Ski Club, at the event.
The Community Healthy Living Fund provides support to communities and community-based organizations for projects, programs and initiatives that help increase physical activity and healthy eating. Eligibility based, the fund is categorized under the criteria of either capacity building, programs or supportive environments. To date, $476,515 of the 2020-2021 fund has been allocated, including $26,430 for the Exploits Nordic Ski Club for equipment and other accessories needed to maintain their trail system and to support cross-country skiing in the region.
The deadline to apply for the 2020-2021 Community Healthy Living Fund is December 18, 2020. A detailed listing of the 2020-21 projects funded to date can be found in the backgrounder below.
In 2019-20, the fund provided support to 272 community groups and organizations, supporting 426 projects and initiatives. For a list of projects that received funding last year, visit here.
“Helping communities deliver important programs and initiatives aimed at encouraging residents to get more active and live a healthier lifestyle is important to our government. The Community Healthy Living Fund reaches just about every corner of our province, and we are pleased to partner with community-based groups to improve outcomes for our residents. As the deadline of December 18 approaches, I encourage organizations throughout our province to apply.”
Honourable Bernard Davis
Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation
“On behalf of Exploits Nordic Ski Club, in partnership with the town of Grand Falls-Windsor, I would like to thank the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation for making funding available through the Community Healthy Living Fund. The funding we have received through this initiative has enabled us to develop and offer programs that are accessible to all members of our community, from children to seniors, to help them be active and maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the winter months. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are lifelong sports that provide an appropriate level of activity for all individuals.”
Dave Stoodley
Exploits Nordic Ski Club
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Learn more
Community Healthy Living Fund Application and Guidelines
Follow us on Twitter @GovNL, @TCAR_GovNL
Media contacts
Debbie Marnell
Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation
709-729-4570, 699-9048
Dave Stoodley
Exploits Nordic Ski Club
Projects funded to date under the Community Healthy Living Fund (2020-21)
Applicant Name | Category | Project Description | Amount |
Amaruk Golf and Sports Club | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades – Junior Golf Room | $10,000 |
Amaruk Golf and Sports Club | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Junior Golf Equipment | $3,000 |
Bellevue Recreation Committee | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Kitchen Appliances | $1,600 |
Burnside 50+ Club Inc. | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Canadian Inclusivity Squash Program Inc. | Program | Inclusive Squash Program 2020-21 | $3,640 |
Canning’s Cove Recreation | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades | $9,660 |
CBN T’Railway | Small Infrastructure | Trail Upgrades | $991 |
City of St. John’s | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Kitchen Equipment | $1,420 |
City of St. John’s | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades – Kilbride Community Centre | $10,000 |
Corner Brook Stream Development Corporation | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Accessible Playground Equipment | $472 |
Corner Brook Stream Development Corporation | Small Infrastructure | Accessible Playground Upgrades | $10,000 |
Deer Lake Gymnastics Club | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Facility Upgrades – Water Fountains | $3,000 |
Deer Lake Gymnastics Club | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades | $10,000 |
EF of Mainland NL for Women’s Outreach | Program | Healthy Minds and Body | $7,950 |
EF of Mainland NL for Women’s Outreach | Program | Healthy Minds and Body for Indigenous Populations | $5,150 |
Evangel Pentecostal Church | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Rock-Climbing Equipment | $3,000 |
Evangel Pentecostal Church | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades – Climbing Wall | $10,000 |
Exploits Nordic Ski Club | Small Infrastructure | Trail Groomer | $10,000 |
Exploits Nordic Ski Club | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Trail Groomer Accessories | $3,000 |
Exploits Nordic Ski Club | Program | Cross Country Ski Program for Schools | $8,430 |
Exploits Nordic Ski Club | Program | Teens on the Trails | $5,000 |
Exploits Valley 50 Plus Club | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Fatima Academy | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Snowshoes | $3,000 |
Fox Cove – Mortier Community Centre Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Facility Development | $4,000 |
Fox Harbour Shamrock II 50+ Club | Small Infrastructure | Trail Development | $5,000 |
Fox Island River & Point au Mal Recreation Committee | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
French Shore Academy | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Greenhouse Garden | $3,000 |
GBS Recreation Committee Inc. | Program | Basic Support | $1,500 |
Gander Bay North Recreation Committee Inc. | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Sport Equipment | $1,500 |
Gander Bay North Recreation Committee Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Multi-Purpose Court | $5,000 |
Gander Golf Club Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Golf Equipment – Nets | $6,299 |
Gander Golf Club Inc. | Program | Learn to Golf Program | $5,082 |
Golden Rainbow Seniors Club Inc. | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Grande Meadows Golf Course Association Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades | $8,951 |
Grande Meadows Golf Course Association Inc. | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Junior Golf Equipment | $2,760 |
Harcourt Recreation Committee | Basic Support | Recreation | $1,500 |
Harcourt Recreation Committee | Program | Recreation | $2,450 |
Horwood Recreation Commission Association | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades – Roof | $5,000 |
Indoor Play Labrador Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Breastfeeding station | $2,179 |
Isle aux Morts Recreation Commission Corporation | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Softball Equipment | $2,229 |
Isle aux Morts Recreation Commission Corporation | Small Infrastructure | Softball Field Upgrades | $1,470 |
Isle aux Morts Recreation Commission Corporation | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $800 |
Isle aux Morts Recreation Commission Corporation | Program | Healthy & Active Lifestyle Program | $4,050 |
Isle aux Morts Recreation Commission Corporation | Program | Winter Sports Program | $4,100 |
Kilbride to Ferryland Family Resource Coalition Inc. | Program | Healthy Together | $7,187 |
Kilbride to Ferryland Family Resource Coalition Inc. | Program | Little Explorers | $5,608 |
Labrador Straits Academy | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Recreation Equipment | $4,500 |
L’Anse au Clair Recreation Committee | Small Infrastructure | Playground Upgrades | $2,500 |
Lewisporte Area 50+ Club Inc. | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Marble Mountain Alpine Racing Team Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades – Start Gates | $6,262 |
Middle Arm Recreation Committee | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
New Horizons Random Senior Citizens Inc. | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
O2 Athletics Club Incorporated | Small Infrastructure | Trail Upgrades | $4,378 |
Open Hall Community Volunteer Builders Committee | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades | $999 |
Peterview Recreation Board | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Mountain Bikes and Equipment | $3,000 |
Peterview Recreation Board | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Peterview Recreation Board | Program | Peterview Adventure Club | $6,950 |
Peterview Recreation Board | Program | Summer Recreation Program 2021 | $5,200 |
Random South Recreation Committee Inc. | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Red Bay Town Council | Small Infrastructure | Trail Upgrades | $2,710 |
Riverhead Recreation Committee | Small Infrastructure | Outdoor Rink Development | $4,000 |
Royal St. John’s Regatta | Program | Virtual Health & Wellness Program | $640 |
Smith’s Harbour Recreation Committee Inc. | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Sport Equipment | $3,000 |
Southeast Avalon Historical Trails Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Trail Upgrades | $6,266 |
SPLASH Harbour Grace Community Youth Network Hub Inc. | Program | Little Adventurers | $10,000 |
St. James Regional High | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Snowshoes | $3,000 |
Sunshine 50 Plus Club Inc. | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades | $4,000 |
The Decade Dancers Inc. | Program | Square Dancing Program | $1,500 |
The Whiteway Fifty Plus Club Inc. | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
The Whiteway Fifty Plus Club Inc. | Program | Gardening Workshops | $2,985 |
The Whiteway Fifty Plus Club Inc. | Program | Bowling Program | $7,376 |
Town of Bauline | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Physical Activity Equipment | $3,000 |
Town of Bishop’s Falls | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Town of Bishop’s Falls | Program | Community Garden Harvest Program 2020-2021 | $3,700 |
Town of Bishop’s Falls | Program | Preparing and Cooking Healthy Food Workshop | $3,100 |
Town of Carbonear | Small Infrastructure | Aquatic Lift | $9,750 |
Town of Carbonear | Program | Family Snowshoeing Program | $4,400 |
Town of Carbonear | Program | Active Start Program | $4,600 |
Town of Colinet | Small Infrastructure | Multi-Purpose Court Upgrades | $3,000 |
Town of Englee | Small Infrastructure | Playground Upgrades | $9,970 |
Town of Grand Falls-Windsor | Program | Physical Activity Program | $4,048 |
Town of Grand Falls-Windsor | Program | PADDLE Program | $5,000 |
Town of Grand Falls-Windsor | Program | Tikes and Tots | $5,000 |
Town of King’s Point | Small Infrastructure | Community Garden Upgrades | $8,371 |
Town of Leading Tickles | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Gardening Equipment | $896 |
Town of Leading Tickles | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Town of Leading Tickles | Program | Summer Recreation Program 2021 | $4,000 |
Town of Leading Tickles | Program | Winter Recreation Program 2021 | $3,450 |
Town of Mary’s Harbour | Program | Community Garden | $5,000 |
Town of Mount Carmel-Mitchell’s Brook-St. Catherine’s | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Small Scale Playground Equipment | $3,000 |
Town of New-Wes-Valley | Small Infrastructure | Trail Upgrades | $7,500 |
Town of New-Wes-Valley | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Snowshoes | $1,500 |
Town of New-Wes-Valley | Program | Basic Support – Recreation | $1,500 |
Town of New-Wes-Valley | Program | Learn to Skate Program | $5,750 |
Town of Pinware Recreation Committee | Small Infrastructure | Facility Upgrades | $9,000 |
Town of Port au Choix | Small Infrastructure | Multi-Purpose Court | $7,363 |
Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm | Program | Skating and Hockey Program | $4,745 |
Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm | Program | 2021 Summer Program | $7,985 |
Town of Sandringham/Recreation Committee | Program | Basic Support | $1,500 |
Town of Sandringham/Recreation Committee | Program | Children’s Recreation Program | $7,750 |
Town of Sandringham/Recreation Committee | Program | Healthy Living Education Sessions | $3,550 |
Town of Springdale | Program | Community Garden | $4,601 |
Town of Springdale | Small Infrastructure | Community Garden Upgrades | $5,200 |
Town of Stephenville | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Sports Equipment | $2,744 |
Town of Stephenville | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Community Garden Upgrades | $2,999 |
Town of Stephenville | Program | Equipment Lending Program | $7,184 |
Town of Stephenville | Program | Community Garden | $5,000 |
Town of Stephenville | Capacity Building | Canadian Parks & Recreation Association Professional Development Course | $1,220 |
Town of Twillingate | Small Infrastructure | Softball Field Upgrades – Phase 2 | $10,000 |
Violence Prevention South & Central Inc. | Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Equipment | Kitchen Equipment | $2,895 |