SPANISH — The Nisoonag (Three Canoes) Partnership is an alliance between Mississauga First Nation (MFN), Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation (SFN), and Serpent River First Nation (SRFN) formed to investigate the former Spanish Indian Residential School (IRS) site for unmarked children’s graves.
At a gathering in October last year, Chief Alan Ozawanimke told those gathered the group would apply for funding from both the province and the federal government to search the grounds at the former school sites. It was recently announced that the funding has been acquired and plans are in place.
The three-member group has received $699,574 from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) for 2021-2022 with the understanding that this is an initial amount only, and a commitment to continuing the conversation regarding the work for fiscal years 2022 to 2024. Ontario has committed to IRS-specific funding in the amount of $900,000 for 2021- 2024. This includes $200,000 in IRS funding and $200,000 in mental health and addictions funding in 2021-2022, and $250,000 in IRS funding 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.