NFN – Community Update #11: COVID-19 Outbreak Declared Over & High Risk Exposures re: Local Schools

Press Release

April 19, 2021 – The COVID-19 Outbreak on Nipissing First Nation that was declared on April 1 st focused on the community of Duchesnay is declared over as of today. The outbreak is now considered contained. We wish to acknowledge the community’s efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the community. Chi-Miigwech!

As a result of the outbreak declaration being lifted, the Couchie Memorial Daycare will reopen tomorrow (Tuesday, April 20th) for parents/guardians who are deemed essential workers only, in accordance with provincial guidelines.

With respect to the high-risk exposures related to the positive cases of COVID-19 at Our Lady of Sorrows School and White Woods Public School in Sturgeon Falls, more than 10 individuals in Garden Village and in Jocko Point are still self-isolating.

The isolation period for the exposures related Our Lady of Sorrows will end on April 23rd, and for those related to White Woods, the isolation period will end on April 22nd (two weeks from the start of the infectious period of the positive case). Our nursing staff completed all notifications of high-risk contacts and case management is ongoing to ensure individuals are complying with the requirement to self-isolate for two weeks.

If you or your family members were not contacted, you are not considered a high-risk exposure.

Important Reminders

  • Nipissing Ojibway Daycare is CLOSED until April 23rd (date subject to change) as a result of the high-risk exposures in Garden Village linked to elementary schools in Sturgeon Falls.
  • NFN staff associated with a high-risk exposure are mandated to not come into the office or any NFN facility for work purposes for the two-week exposure period. Staff are to contact their managers or supervisors to make arrangements where required.
  • Garden Village playground amenities and the Outdoor Rink remain CLOSED until April 23rd (date subject to change).
  • Duchesnay Bridge Shuttle Service will continue operating with reduced hours of 7:00am to 8:00pm daily during the stay-at-home order. After-hours service is available for essential trips only and must be pre-arranged by calling Glenn McLeod at 705-471-7073 during business hours.

Update on COVID-19 Vaccines

Our Health Services team is scheduling 2nd dose vaccine appointments this week for those who received their 1st dose between March 9th to 14th. By the end of this week, approximately 825 community members will have received both doses of the Moderna vaccine, and 1,200 individuals have received their 1st dose.

If you have not yet received a 1st dose and would like to, please call the Health Centre at 705-753-3312 to register as soon as possible. You must register in advance and will then be called for a vaccine appointment based on priority and the time at which you registered.

If you have received a 1st dose already, you do not need to call again to register for your 2nd dose. Please note that our staff are managing a high volume of calls while also working to schedule over 800 vaccine appointments this week. Please be patient as they work through their long lists.

Assessment Centres

Residents who have symptoms or are concerned about a possible exposure to a positive case of COVID-19 are advised to get tested. If you have severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, you should call 911 and mention your symptoms.

If you think you may have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, first self-isolate and then use Ontario’s Self-Assessment Tool to see if you need to seek further care or contact NFN’s Community Health Nurse at 705-840-8830 for more information.

If you get tested for COVID-19, you and everyone else you live with must stay home until you have results.

Do not go to work or school or visit anyone if you have symptoms.

  • North Bay Regional Health Centre – 50 College Drive, North BayAppointment Required – Call 705-474-8600 ext. 4110 – Open 9am to 5pm (7 days a week) Assessment Centre is in parking lot #9 for symptomatic patients or children 8 & under Drive thru options available near Emergency entrance available for asymptomatic people
  • West Nipissing Assessment Centre – 219 O’Hara Street, Sturgeon Falls (Community Complex) Appointment Required – Call 705-580-2186 – Open 12pm to 4pm (Monday to Friday)


If you are concerned about a potential exposure to COVID-19, please contact Carole Lafantaisie, NFN Community Health Nurse, at 705-840-8830. Other inquiries may be directed to Kimberly Lalonde, Director of Health Services, at 705-498-3698. Please visit for regular updates and links to helpful information.

We urge all community members to continue following public health measures and the stay-at-home order that is in place until at least May 20th to limit the spread of COVID-19.


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