April 13, 2012
The planned construction of a new long-term care facility was announced yesterday at a ground breaking ceremony in Behchoko, Northwest Territories. The new facility will replace the Jimmy Erasmus Seniors home and will provide services to 18 NWT long-term care residents.
“This new 18-bed long-term care facility will increase our system’s capacity to offer the necessary supports and services to NWT residents as close to home as possible,” said Minister of Health and Social Services, and Minister Responsible for Seniors Tom Beaulieu.“By building facilities that are long-lasting and energy efficient, the GNWT is making sure that the needs of our residents will be met for years to come” said Minister of Public Works and Services, and Monfwi MLA Jackson Lafferty.
The Department of Public Works and Services awarded a design-build contract on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Services in December 2011. Construction of the new facility will begin in April 2012 and is scheduled for completion in September 2014.
For more information contact:
Damien Healy,
Manager, Communications
Innovation, Reform and Legislation
Department of Health and Social Services
Tel: (867) 920-8927
Email: damien_healy@gov.nt.ca
Jhillian Adams
Senior Policy Advisor/Communications Coordinator
Department of Public Works and Services
Tel: (867) 873-7445
Email: Jhillian_adams@gov.nt.ca
Backgrounder: Behchoko Long-term Care Facility
The Behchoko Long-term Care Facility will replace the Chief Jimmy Erasmus Centre, which will remain operational during the first phase of the project until the first nine bed wing is complete.
The project was approved in the 2012/13 GNWT Capital Estimates.
The Department of Public Works and Services (PWS) awarded a negotiated design-build contract to Tli Cho Construction Ltd. in December 2011 for $11,980,621.
The project will be completed in two phases: construction to begin April 2012, phase one to be completed August 2013, phase two completed in September 2014.
Phase one includes nine beds, living space, adult day program, rehab space and core building services.
Phase two will provide the remaining nine beds and living space.
Once completed, the facility will be 1935 m2 in size, and will provide 18 long-term care rooms.
The single storey facility will include an envelope with thermal resistance insulation that meets the GNWTs Good Building Practice for Northern Facility guidelines.
The facility will be designed with barrier free access in mind to accommodate equipment and the mobility needs of residents, this includes wider hallways and accessibility ramps.
Design features include: visitor and staff parking, a lobby designed to accommodate activities and gatherings that will incorporate traditional and cultural aspects of the community, gardens, landscaping and an emphasis on natural light which is featured throughout the facility.
This is a facility to serve all NWT communities.
Admission of residents to the new facility will be determined by the Territorial Admissions Committee (TAC).
Energy efficiency features include low volume flush plumbing fixtures, a system that will recover heat from ventilation exhaust that will reduce building heating costs, and the ability to connect to the community’s central biomass system.