August 24, 2018
Indigenous Healing, Resilience and Well-Being
Intergenerational Determinants of Health • Opiate Use
Culturally Based Mental Health Promotion
Cultural Safety and Research Mentorship
Presenters will include
Amy Bombay • Jacob Burack
Mario Incayawar • Suzanne Stewart
Melissa Walls • Dennis Wendt
The Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research (NAMHR), established with funding from the CIHR Institute for Aboriginal Peoples Health, brings together students, researchers, community members, and mental health practitioners from across the country to build capacity for culturally safe and appropriate mental health and addictions research, and promote knowledge exchange to meet the needs of Indigenous communities.
The annual meeting provides opportunities to present new research and emerging priorities, develop collaborations and find mentors.
Papers are welcome on any topic related to Indigenous mental health research.
To register and/or to submit an abstract (oral or poster presentation),
please complete the attached registration and abstract form.
Abstract submission deadline: August 7,2018
There is no fee for the meeting
but registration is required.
To register please send the completed form
by e-mail to:
Network for Aboriginal Mental Health Research
Culture and Mental Health Research Unit
Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry
4333 Côte-Ste-Catherine Road
Montréal, Québec H3T 1E4 (Tel: 514-340-7549)
The NAMHR conference will be preceded by the annual McGill Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry summer program workshop on
Indigenous Mental Health Research
August 20-23, 2018
For information visit: