N.S. man stuck abroad due to lack of available hospital beds ‘in our own province’ – GLOBAL

May 1, 2024

A Nova Scotia man who suffered a medical emergency while on an international trip is now stuck abroad after his family was told no hospitals could admit him back home due to a lack of available beds.

Murray Balser was on vacation with his family in Cuba earlier this month when he broke his hip on a boating excursion. Due to a shortage of available beds in Nova Scotia, he had to stay in a Cuban hospital for a week and a half.

“We had the insurance. We thought we were covered,” said Tammy Fader, Balser’s sister-in-law.

“We never in a million years would have thought we would have been denied coming back because there was no bed in our own province, in our own country.”

Read more: https://globalnews.ca/news/10460063/injured-man-abroad-hospital-beds/

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