N.L. adds 6 new COVID-19 deaths in latest update – CBC

Health Department reports 16 hospitalizations from March 12-25, including 2 in critical care

Mar 29, 2023

The latest statistics from the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health reveal six new deaths from COVID-19 reported since the last update, two weeks ago.

In Wednesday’s update, the provincial Health Department says there have been no new deaths in the latest two-week reporting period, March 12-25, but data in the regional and age breakdowns on the government’s COVID-19 website shows the number of total deaths has climbed by six.

Since the provincial government moved to biweekly pandemic updates, the number of announced new deaths has been consistently underreported by the Health Department. The department says the discrepancy is due to deaths that have been reported since the last update but which happened before the latest two-week reporting period. In this case, the six deaths would have occurred before March 12 but weren’t recorded until after the previous pandemic update, on March 15.

All six new deaths occurred in the Eastern Health region. One person was in their 50s, two in their 70s and three were over 80.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/covid-nl-march-29-1.6794664

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