Montreal doctors develop a virtual reality tool that could save children’s lives – CBC

Nearly a million children die each year from injuries sustained in accidents:WHO

Mar 10, 2024

Montreal researchers have developed a virtual reality “emergency room,” that can be used to train doctors in Canada and around the world in saving the lives of children who have been badly injured.

According to the World Health Organization, traumas from accidents like car crashes, falls, and fires are the leading cause of death in children at almost a million per year.

And that, according to one of the creators of PeTIT VR, short for Pediatric Trauma Innovative Training in VR, is only the tip of the iceberg.

“It means that more than six million children go to the emergency departments every year to have some treatment because of pediatric trauma and these are the countries that report,” said Dr. Fabio Botelho, a pediatric and trauma surgeon from Brazil and a research fellow at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

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