Each week, we gather various news related to health and social services, as well as to First Nations. Below you will find some information and publications that may interest you.
The Cantine à domicile
La Cantine à domicile helps address food issues at home for everyone across the province. This service makes frozen meals available at affordable prices from member organizations of La Cantine pour tous. Find out more (French only)
Be part of the Fitspirit Team
FitSpirit is an extracurricular activity for secondary schools, specially designed for girls aged 12-17. Encourage schools of your community to register today! They will benefit from all the support needed to create an engaging and innovative physical activity program designed to meet the girls’ needs. Why should schools sign up? Because 9 out of 10 teenage girls aren’t active enough to reap all the benefits on their mental and physical health. Find more information by watching this video or referring to the attached document!