Each week, we bring together various news related to the field of health and social services, as well as to First Nations. You will find some information and publications that may be of interest to you.
Tahatikonhsontóntie’ (“the faces yet to come”) Quebec Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research (QcNEIHR) focuses on the needs, visions and strengths of Indigenous communities. One of our objectives includes supporting academic transformation that values Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing and of being. To understand how we could support this transformation, we conducted an environmental scan of university reconciliation and Indigenization efforts (2021-22). Indigenous and Indigenous-supporting staff, administrators, and faculty from Quebec universities and two Ontario universities participated in this scan through questionnaires, video discussions and/or a day-long workshop. One recurring suggestion from the different participants was for the NEIHR to facilitate the creation of discussion circles related to their specific work responsibilities, with representation from all universities, including Francophone and Anglophone universities, within and outside the UQ system. This survey is a follow-up to those suggestions and it will serve as a way to organize these discussion circles. Thank you in advance for your interest and for completing this questionnaire :
Read More: https://cssspnql.com/en/miscellaneous-news-august-29-to-september-5/